XXIII Summer Ballet Seasons at RAMT Theatre in july and august. Classical russian ballet with orchestra

Summer Ballet Seasons — a unique ballet marathon
in the center of Moscow!

When repertory theaters go off-season, Summer Ballet Seasons start on Moscow's cultural map!

This summer RAMT theater will be hosting the 23nd annual fixture of traditional Seasons!
The orchestra of the Summer Ballet Seasons was created in 2002 specially to contribute the work of the project. For these years the orchestra, following the best music traditions, has formed its own style to perform ballet music which is well known among theatre audience and music lovers. Not only experienced musicians – representatives of main schools of mastery in Moscow – are working in the orchestra, there are also young performers, which were graduated from Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory and Gnesin Russian Academy of Music.

The orchestra of the Summer Ballet Seasons has repeatedly participated in tours of Russian ballet companies in USA, China, France, Germany. It was noted in foreign press that "orchestra is not only an accompaniment, but the full member of performance".
The oldest ballet Seasons

Discover the art of ballet performed by six companies at the XXIII Summer Ballet Seasons!

60 days

Every day for two months on the stage of RAMT - pearls of world ballet art with an orchestra

17 ballets

The most famous classical ballets: "Swan Lake", "La Bayadere", "Cinderella", "Don Quixote", "The Sleeping Beauty", "Giselle", and others
One million viewers

For 23 years the performances of the Seasons, the hallmark of summer Moscow, have been visited by hundreds of thousands of people

Repertoire of XXIII Summer Ballet Seasons 2024

17 world's best masterpieces accompanied by an orchestra!
July 1, 8, 15, 23, 30
August 6, 17, 23, 29
July 8, 17, 23, 30
August 5, 12
July 8, 13, 16, 23, 29
August 5, 20, 26
July 5, 14, 24
August 3, 11, 14, 21, 27
July 5, 10, 24
August 2, 8, 15, 21, 28
July 14, 22, 28
August 4, 17, 25
July 3, 11, 16, 21, 29
August 4, 10, 19, 26
July 18
August 1, 9, 18, 26
July 29
PREMIERE: War and Peace
July 1
PREMIERE: Coppelia
July 31
July 12, 20, 28
August 3
July 6, 7
July 4, 12, 19
August 7, 15, 25

I want to see a ballet!

Tickets's price — from 1000 rub.
RAMT theatre
Russian Academic Youth Theater

2 Teatralnaya Square, Moscow, Russia
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